We offer our services from the US to the following markets:
EU with a focus on the so called DACH region (Germany, Austria and Switzerland). The European Union is one of the most outward-oriented economies in the world. Its combined gross domestic product (GDP) stood at $16.6 trillion in 2022, it offers you access to 448 million customers.

China has a population of 1,412 billion and a GDP of $19 trillion. The boom years may have cooled down but it is still the place to be.
“Brazil is the country of the future and always will be”. Will there may be some truth in this proverb, we believe the future has finally arrived in Brazil. Brazil has a population of 214 millions and a GDP of $1,6 trillion. It is part of the Mercosul common market and a perfect stepping stone to South America.

With a population of 1,4 billion and a GDP of 3,18 trillion India may be a contender of China. It offers vast opportunities for the right products and services.
We offer full consulting services for these markets. We may also be able to offer limited consulting services for Ethiopia and Angola. Please talk to us.